Thank you for your interest in downloading BeamReader.
NOTE: BeamReader will work with any BlackBerry with OS 4.2 or higher. To open PDF e-mail attachments, OS 4.5 or higher is required. If you are using BES, viewing attachments requires BES 4.1.5 or higher.
There are two ways to download BeamReader:
1. From your BlackBerry (Recommended)
Please go to the address below using your BlackBerry device to download BeamReader. Simply open your BlackBerry browser and go to the following address:
2. From your PC
You can also download this product to your PC first from here and then use your BlackBerry Desktop Manager to load on your BlackBerry. If you are a BES administrator, you can push the BeamReader application to the devices of your users (please use the PC download).
BeamReader Quick Start Guide is available here