SLG Mobile, Inc. Announces an Upcoming Release of BeamReader for Android

Fairfax, Virginia - February 9, 2009 - SLG Mobile, Inc. announced today an upcoming release of BeamReader for Android, a full fidelity (original quality) native PDF reader for the Android platform. All document rendering will be completely native to the Android device without the need for server side pre-processing and the user's phone does not even need to be connected to the network. The hallmark of BeamReader is its ability to render actual fonts embedded in a PDF document as opposed to using font substitutes that adversely affect the document's look and formatting. Instead, documents opened with the BeamReader look exactly like they would on a PC with all of the original fonts, images, and formatting completely preserved. Given the widespread adoption of the PDF format, this kind of PDF viewing functionality is a must have for a vast majority of personal and business users. SLG Mobile, Inc. is the maker of the popular BeamReader for BlackBerry: the first full fidelity native PDF reader for the BlackBerry platform ( With the upcoming release of BeamReader for Android, the company is leveraging its significant expertise in developing full fidelity PDF rendering technology that is optimized for Java based mobile devices to fill an important gap in the essential software line up for Android.

"BeamReader for Android will enhance the overall experience of personal and business customers using the Android platform. It is hard to imagine a PC without a good PDF reader and with so many users relying on their mobile devices to replace their PCs while on the go, it is becoming very hard to imagine a smartphone without one either," said Evgeny Lebanidze, President and CEO of SLG Mobile.

BeamReader for Android is expected to launch in Q2 of 2009. If you would like to be notified once BeamReader for Android launches, please register here:

About SLG Mobile, Inc. (formerly known as BeamBerry Solutions, Inc.)

SLG Mobile, Inc. is a privately-held company located in Fairfax, Virginia, USA. Over the last two plus years, the company had successfully delivered sophisticated and innovative solutions to corporate and individual BlackBerry customers worldwide, focusing on viewing, printing, and storing of documents on BlackBerry devices. The company has established a track record of innovation and an excellent reputation as a provider of intuitive, efficient and reliable document management solutions.

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