SLG Mobile, Inc. Announces the Release of BeamReader PDF Viewer for Android

Fairfax, Virginia - November 30, 2009 - SLG Mobile, Inc. announced today that the company's popular BeamReader PDF Viewer has been made available for the Android platform and can now be downloaded from the Android Market. BeamReader for Android enables convenient viewing of PDF e-mail attachments and documents stored on the Android device in their full desktop quality right on the device itself without the need for server side pre-processing or any network connectivity. BeamReader embodies the most advanced on-device PDF rendering technology available for the Android platform. Some of the key product features include: fast full fidelity rendering, intuitive granular zoom and document navigation, support for all types of PDF documents (e.g. scanned, faxed, schematics, etc.), support for encrypted and password protected documents, text search within the document, support for bookmarks, and support for embedded links. BeamReader for Android can be downloaded directly from the Android Market where it is currently available as a free beta. Please visit for a full description of the product.

The hallmark of BeamReader is its ability to render actual fonts embedded in a PDF document as opposed to using font substitutes that adversely affect the document's look and formatting. Instead, documents opened with the BeamReader look exactly like they would on a PC with all of the original fonts, images, and formatting completely preserved. Given the widespread adoption of the PDF format, this kind of PDF viewing functionality is a must have for a vast majority of personal and business users. SLG Mobile, Inc. is the maker of the popular BeamReader for BlackBerry: the first full fidelity native PDF reader for the BlackBerry platform ( With the release of BeamReader for Android, the company is leveraging its significant expertise in developing full fidelity PDF rendering technology that is optimized for Java based mobile devices to fill an important gap in the essential software line up for Android.

"We saw that existing PDF viewing solutions for the Android platform did not adequately address the needs of the users. As the result, we decided to bring BeamReader for Android to market because a mobile platform as sophisticated and as successful as the Android deserves proper PDF viewing software," said Evgeny Lebanidze, President and CEO of SLG Mobile.

"Thirty thousand users cannot be wrong," said David Shalamberidze, CTO of SLG Mobile. "Since we released BeamReader for Android to the Android Market only two weeks ago, that is how many users have already tried the software launching BeamReader to the top of the productivity category, with that number growing by the thousands every day. We are delighted to see the exceptional reviews that users have given BeamReader with some calling it the best PDF viewer ever."

SLG Mobile is currently in discussions with several Android phone manufacturers to make BeamReader for Android a pre-installed part of the platform. BeamReader for Android had been confirmed to perform well on all Android devices available from major manufacturers today. If you are an Android device manufacturer and would like to bundle BeamReader for Android software with your device, please contact SLG Mobile at .

About SLG Mobile, Inc.

SLG Mobile, Inc. is a premier provider of document and file management solutions that enhance user productivity while on the go. Whether it be e-mail attachment viewing, access to documents and files, printing via Bluetooth, extended online storage, or intuitive file management of on-device content, our software works the way our customers do and helps them leave their laptops behind while still getting the work done. Our complete document and file management solutions that focus on performance and properly designed intuitive user interfaces have made us famous with many individual and corporate customers all over the globe. SLG Mobile offers software and hardware OEM licensing models and several large organizations are leveraging the company’s technologies within their own solutions. Further, SLG Mobile offers cost effective expert custom development services to help the company’s customers bring solutions to market that are best customized to meet the unique needs of their organizations while supporting seamless integration with their existing products and services.

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